Leave No Trace
“Leave No Trace” is the wild camping code, but it is just the same when out walking and hiking in the countryside.
Farmers are known as our "Custodians of the countryside", but if everyone lives by the same rules the countryside would be a much better place.
Take away ALL your litter, whether created by yourself or others.
Remove all traces of your tent pitch.
Do not cause any pollution.
Be responsible for your actions.
Noise to be kept to a minimum.
Respect and protect the immediate natural environment and wildlife.
There are lessons that everyone can learn, and enjoying the beautiful countryside we have around us is essential. In recent times there have been wild fires burning up on the moors of Derbyshire and Yorkshire. These were fought by the Fire Service, Countryside Rangers and our Gamekeepers.
In some cases they had been caused by people taking BBQs out onto the moors, is there really any need to do this? Some fires are thought to have been caused by discarded cigarette ends, which can set light to deep level peat.
Some of our countryside workers come under huge amounts of undue abuse, which is largely unfair. If people go out into the countryside and enjoy what is around them removing all trace that they were there then there is space for us all.
Dogs can be a huge area of contention in some cases, but is it really that difficult to do a quick "risk assessment"? if you are crossing a farmers field just put your dog on a lead. Just have a quick think, would you like it if the farmer drove a herd of 40 cows through your garden? A little respect can go a long way, you may have the worlds best behaved dog, but he or she may just decide to run around, this could be misunderstood.